The Grand Opera House

Monday, April 25, 2011

New Grand Under 21 Ticket Policy Effective May 1, 2011

The Grand Opera House Board of Directors has approved two new ticket plans to make “live theater” more affordable for younger audiences. Effective May 1st the $12 reserved seat ticket price will be available to persons 21 and under.  Executive Director Paul Hemmer said, “Persons under 21 can now purchase reserved seats in advance at a significant savings, and see their friends in our exciting all-star high school/college production of Phantom of the Opera, Singin’ in the Rain and other Grand shows.”

A new “Grand Rush” ticket will also be in available for student purchases. At 3pm on performance dates, a limited number of “best available seats” will be announced via social media such as Facebook, Twitter and Dubuque365/StreetJaw. “Grand Rush” tickets will be available on a first come basis beginning at 6pm that evening at the box office for just $10 cash. No checks or credit cards will be accepted. All seats are reserved but “Grand Rush” patrons will not have a choice of seat location. A photo ID must be shown for each seat purchased.  

Grand Board President Peter Soraparu said, “The Grand Rush plan brings the cost of live theater to the same level as a movie. The 6pm sale will allow young patrons to buy tickets, get something to eat at one of our convenient downtown restaurants and be back in time for the 7:30 curtain. It should encourage more high school and college students to experience the exceptional talents we’ve assembled to create our live productions.”

Grand Rush tickets will also be available for Sunday matinee performances. Notice will be posted before 12noon on performances days. The box office will open at 1pm with a limited amount of Grand Rush seats available until the 2pm curtain time.

For more information:  Paul Hemmer  563-588-4356

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Renaissance Faire is looking for actors

Here's a message from the nice people who are running the Dubuque Renaissance Faire this year:

The Dubuque Renaissance Faire, a fundraiser for Camp Albrecht Acres is looking for volunteers with a flair for the dramatic!

In particular, we needs folks who aren't afraid to interact a bit with the public, put on a costume and show enthusiasm for being part of a great family event that is entering it's fourth year in the Tri-State area.

All volunteers will receive free admission to the event and will be provided with a costume.  (unless they already have one of their own)

We need people to help with the tickets, programs, and various other assignments throughout both days of the event.  We open again on Saturday and Sunday, May 21 and 22, 2011.  I'm looking for men and women who want to help us raise some money for Camp Albrecht Acres, which provides unique services for children and young adults with mental and physical disabilities.

To learn more, please visit our website:

Anyone interested may contact me directly, by email or by calling my cell phone. or